
Ruri Prihatini Lubis
Ruben Simangunsong


This study aims to examine the Utilization of GIS for Water Availability Evaluation in the Deli River Basin. This qualitative research method allows researchers to explore the factors that affect water availability in the Deli watershed, as well as the application of GIS in water availability evaluation. Through interviews, documentation studies, and field observations, this research can provide a better understanding of water management challenges and the potential use of GIS technology to improve water resource management in the Deli watershed. The application of GIS in the evaluation of water availability in the Deli watershed provides significant benefits in terms of mapping, modeling, and planning for water resource management. By utilizing GIS, water management can be carried out more effectively, efficiently, and sustainably, and can reduce the risk of future water crises. Therefore, GIS is a very important tool in supporting water management policies and strategies in the Deli watershed and other regions. The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology in the evaluation of water availability in the Deli watershed has proven to be very effective in mapping water availability conditions spatially. GIS enables the integration of various data, such as rainfall, water quality, land use, and hydrological data, providing a clearer and more accurate picture of the distribution and potential availability of water in the region.


How to Cite
Lubis, R. P., & Simangunsong, R. (2024). PEMANFAATAN GIS UNTUK EVALUASI KETERSEDIAAN AIR DI DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI DELI. Jurnal Teknovasi, 11(02), 15–18. https://doi.org/10.55445/jt.v11i02.190
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